Written and directed by James Cunningham, bold yet intimate short film DANE follows the experience of a young Australian Defence Force veteran dealing with the effects of post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety.
Melbourne-based actor Alex Lennox portrays the central character of Dane, with actual retired Australian soldier Jack Palmer playing a crucial role in the film's development. Palmer's first-hand experience and insights provided valuable perspectives which shaped the film DANE, and even saw Palmer perform the role himself during the film's development process. Lennox's final performance brings depth and authenticity to the project, adding a layer of realism that resonates with audiences.
In addition to Lennox and Palmer, Cody Fullbrook makes a valuable additional contribution to the film providing an introspective voiceover which serves as the titular character's internal monologue.
Filmed with special lenses, the visual aesthetic of the project was carefully crafted to convey a specific mood and atmosphere. The filmmakers chose a bleak and austere cinematography style, which further emphasised the dark themes and heavy emotions present in the story.
DANE was produced through a collaboration between Presidential Productions and Bosisto Studios. This co-production allowed for the pooling of expertise, talents, and resources from both studios. DANE earned selection at International Shorts Film Festival in 2018.
Featuring Alex Lennox and Cody Fullbrook
Special Contribution by Jack Palmer
Produced by Vanessa Abbott and Slade Phillips
Written & Directed by James Cunningham
Filmed on location in Melbourne, Australia.