Six Athletes; One Conversation...
ATLAS is a thought-provoking original short film that explores the complexities surrounding the concept of masculinity through the experiences of six male athletes. ATLAS is an international collaborative film project from award-winning Australian filmmaker James Cunningham, brought to life by American actors Rashawn Glass, Robert Holt, Aygen James, Geoffrey Oliver, Jabriel Robinson and Ethan Vaughan.
The film captures in hybrid-documentary style the symbolic titan god Atlas simultaneously depicted by six athletes. Through their conversations, ATLAS examines the societal expectations placed upon men and specifically how that impacts body image. Self-filmed by the actors and produced remotely, the film's brave cast confine themselves to the privacy and solitude of their own bathrooms. By showing male athletes in private and traditionally vulnerable situations, ATLAS aims to challenge traditional notions of masculinity and inspire viewers to question their own assumptions.
ATLAS emphasises that vulnerability and authenticity are not signs of weakness, but rather sources of strength and empowerment.
HONOURABLE MENTION (SCREENPLAY) - Athens International Film Festival 2024
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Five Continents International Film Festival 2024
NOMINEE - Lone Wolf International Film Festival 2024
Written & Directed by James Cunningham
Produced by Vanessa Abbott and Slade Philips
Original Music by Zimpzon
Featuring Rashawn Glass, Robert Holt, Aygen James, Geoffrey Oliver, Jabriel Robinson and Ethan Vaughan